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Sleep Tips


Go to sleep  and wake up the same time each day. Ideally, your nightly schedule should remain unchanged (+ / - 20 minutes).



Evening naps will reduce the time required for sleep, and sleep disruption may lead to difficulty falling asleep, and may lead to insomnia.



Do not stay awake in bed more than 5-10 minutes



If at night, you find that your mind has been worried about not sleeping, then please get out of bed, sit in a chair in the dark until you feel sleepy and then return to bed. Do not use TV or the Internet. Television and the Internet may cause you to feel more awake.  Avoid inappropriate material.



Avoid alcohol 4-6 hours before bedtime. Many people believe that alcohol helps them sleep. Although alcohol has induced sleep time, several hours later because the blood alcohol concentration begins to decline, it can stimulate you to wake up.


Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime. This includes caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and many kinds of soft drinks, and chocolate,



4-6 hours before bedtime avoid large meals, spicy, or sugary foods. These can affect your ability to maintain sleep.



Exercise regularly, but not before going to bed. Regular exercise, especially in the afternoon can help deepen sleep. Avoid strenuous excercise 2 hours before bedtime.



Use comfortable bedding. Uncomfortable bedding will affect a good night's sleep. Find out whether this is the source of your problem and make appropriate changes.



Find a comfortable sleeping temperature setting, and keep the room well ventilated. Cool (not cold) bedrooms are often the most conducive to sleep.



Block all distracting noise, and turn off all lights.



Use the bed to sleep and have sex. Do not use the bed as an office, workplace, or recreation room.  Then your body will link sleeping with the bed.



Try a little bedtime snack. Heat milk and foods containing high levels of tryptophan, such as bananas, which can help you fall asleep.



Practice relaxation techniques before going to bed. Relaxation techniques, such as yoga, deep breathing and other forms of activities may help to reduce anxiety and reduce muscle tension.



Do not put your worries to the bed. Assign a "worry time" earlier in the day.



Establish bedtime habits. Bedtime habits, such as a hot bath or a few minutes to read, can help you sleep.


Use your favorite sleeping position. If you do not fall asleep within 15-30 minutes, then get up and go to another room to read until you begin to feel sleepy.

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